Hey ! Welcome back! Below, you'll find links to all the important areas of your membership site. Please feel free to peruse the site and definitely let us know if you have any questions.

There are several components to the "Teck Shack Program". They are:

The Public Google+ Community: This is available to ALL Teck Shack Students/Customers. You'll find it at https://teckshack.com/community I'll be checking regularly for any questions or issues you may have.

Content for Members - To be announced

Call Info - Each week, on Monday from 7pm to 9pm and Friday from 3pm to 5pm EASTERN. To join us for the call, go to:

Step 1 - https://teckshack.com/tscall

That's it! You are are registered the calls. GotoWebinar will send you reminders the day before the call and 1 hour prior to the call.

The calls are all recorded and links to the recordings will be in the member's area within 24 hours.

The link to the podcast is: https://teckshack.com/podcast (Bring this link up in Firefox or Internet Explorer. Chrome does not have a built-in feed reader, however, if you really prefer to use Chrome, I recommend the "INOReader" app, which you can get in the extensions. It will show up in the APPS section, not where the extensions show on the browser).

The BONUSES: 90 Days FREE of Motivation to Profit

To book your monthly 1 hour call with Shelby, just go to Teck Shack Calendar

To Your Abundant Success!

Shelby Carr

Founder, TeckShack.com
Dean's Assistant, Directionsu.com